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The Big Garden Birdwatch!
Friday 27th – Sunday 29th January 2023
The RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) are inviting everyone to spend 1 hour between 27th-29th January 2023 counting and spotting different types of birds that visit their garden or local park as part of their annual garden birdwatch event.
At nursery we will be talking about birds and looking out for them in our garden. We will focus on the most iconic and distinct looking birds that may be seen in a UK Garden and will encourage children to look closely at similarities and differences between them. We will only focus on a handful of birds (Magpie, Blackbird, Robin, Blue Tit and Pigeon), to help keep things manageable for our young learners and avoid confusion.
If you would like to join in with the Big Garden Birdwatch at home (and we hope you will!), we have included a Birdwatch Recording Sheet for download below. This has also been sent out via ParentMail and please ask if you would like us to print a copy for you.
We would love for your child to return the completed sheet to nursery so that we can talk about their findings.
Happy birdwatching!