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Happy New Year from all at Little Ripley!
2022 was a busy and fun-filled year at Little Ripley, and we enjoyed seeing lots of you at our Christmas celebrations – check out the photos below from a fantastic performance at our Birmingham Road nursery! We hope you all had a lovely, relaxing break and are as excited as us for 2023.
We have lots planned to kick-start the New Year and ensure your little one’s learning journey continues to be fun and engaging in the usual Little Ripley way. Bring on 2023!
Things to look forward to in January and February…
Our topic is ‘Happily Ever After’
Children will be provided with lots of opportunities to listen to, join in with and re-tell traditional stories and rhymes. Ideas for at home activities will be sent by individual nurseries.
Special dates in our diary
27th Jan: Big Garden Birdwatch
30th Jan – 6th Feb: National story telling week
6th – 12th Feb: Children’s Mental Health week
14th Feb: Safer Internet Day